Capacity for recovery in Bornean orangutan populations when limiting offtake and retaining forest. Diversity and Distributions, 00: e13852, 2024.
Applying best practice to feasibility assessment and strategic planning for great ape translocation: A case study of Grauer’s gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri). Biological Conservation, 292:110521, 2024.
Apes and agriculture. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 4:1225911, 2023.
Killing of orangutans in Kalimantan – Community perspectives on incidence and drivers. Conservation Science & Practice, e13025, 2023.
Orangutan killing and trade in Indonesia: Wildlife crime, enforcement, and deterrence patterns. Biological Conservation, 276: 109744, 2022.
Restoring the orangutan in a Whole- or Half-Earth context. Oryx, 1-12, 2022.
Deforestation projections imply range-wide population decline for critically endangered Bornean orangutan. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 20 (3): 240-248, 2022.
Effectiveness of 20 years of conservation investments in protecting orangutans. Current Biology, 32 (8):1754-1763.e6, 2022.
Disease risk and conservation implications of orangutan translocations. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, 2021.
Importance of Small Forest Fragments in Agricultural Landscapes for Maintaining Orangutan Metapopulations. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4: 560944, 2021.
The historical range and drivers of decline of the Tapanuli orangutan. PloS One, 16: e0238087, 2021.
Toward improved impact evaluation of community forest management in Indonesia. Conservation Science & Practice, e2189, 2021.
Shifting apes: Conservation and welfare outcomes of Bornean orangutan rescue and release in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal for Nature Conservation, Vol. 55, 2020.
Shifting apes Indonesian translation
Memindahkan Kera: Hasil Konservasi dan kesejahteraan dari penyelamatan dan pelepasan orangutan Borneo di Kalimantan, Indonesia. download pdf file
Envisioning a future for Bornean orangutans: Conservation impacts of action plan implementation and recommendations for improved population outcomes. Biodiversitas, Vol. 21, no. 2, 2020.
Orangutan populations are certainly not increasing in the wild. Current Biology, Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018.
The importance of orangutans in small fragments for maintaining metapopulation dynamics. Preprint, BioRχiv, 2020.
How widespread was the Tapanuli orangutan and what led to its decline? Preprint, BioRχiv, 2020.
Envisioning a future for Bornean orangutans: Conservation impacts of 10 years of Bornean action plan implementation and recommendations for improved population outcomes. download pdf file
Envisioning a future Indonesian translation
Visi untuk masa depan orangutan Borneo: Dampak konservasi selama 10 tahun pelaksanaan rencana aksi Borneo dan rekomendasi untuk hasil populasi yang lebih baik. download pdf file
New thinking in orangutan conservation. download pdf file
Critical needs for orangutan conservation download pdf file
New study identifies conservation risks of shifting apes. download pdf file
Press release Indonesian translation
Studi baru mengidentifikasi resiko-resiko konservasi dari memindahkan kera. download pdf file
Releasing rescued orangutans into the wild doesn’t boost populations download pdf file
New study identifies conservation risks of shifting apes
Orangutans Are Hanging On in the Same Palm Oil Plantations That Displace Them
Rescuing orangutans ‘doesn’t work’ for apes or forests, studies find